Let’s Keep Sandy Wonderful!


About Mayor Stan

I was born & raised in the Sandy area. I went to local public schools from kindergarten until I graduated from Sandy High School in 1999.

MacKensey and I are raising our two girls, Lucy and Olivia, in the most wonderful city in Oregon.

I look at Sandy and am still able to recognize my home state of Oregon: It’s pioneer spirit and it’s collaborative and supportive network of families, small businesses, faith communities, and local government.


We’ve come such a long ways in just three short years. We’ve fully funded and staffed our police department, invested in our traffic infrastructure by building new roads and synchronizing the lights along Hwy 26, as well as planning for our community’s future.

When I first ran I promised to work to alleviate traffic, plan for our growth, and support our local small business community. I look forward to continuing our work to do exactly that. Keep Sandy wonderful.

We’re going to keep up the fight. Will you join me now with a donation?

I would be honored to have your support!

Mayor Stan